Foreign Language




Pool Practice Set

English Korean
English Korean
Politeness Levels

Politeness Levels


When speaking about your elders or superiors (teachers, bosses, etc.) in a highly respectful manner, use the honorific politeness level.
  • If the verb stem ends with a consonant, add 으십니다.
  • If the verb stem ends with a vowel, add 십니다.
Some verbs have special honorific form.


When speaking to your elders, superiors (teachers, bosses, etc.), or people you have met for the first time use the formal politeness level.
  • If the verb stem ends with a consonant, add 습니다.
  • If the verb stem ends with a vowel, add ㅂ니다.


When speaking to your co-workers, peers, or relatives use the standard politeness level.
  • If the verb stem ends with 하, change it to 해요.
  • If the last vowel in the verb stem is a 아 or 어, add 아요. If you end up with two vowels right next to each other, combine them into one vowel.
    ᅡ + 아요 = ᅡ요
    ᅩ + 아요 = ᅪ요
  • If the last vowel in the verb stem is a ᅮ, ᅵ, or ᅳ, add 어요. If you end up with two vowels next to each other, combine them into one vowel.
    ᅮ + 어요 = ᅯ요
    ᅵ + 어요 = ᅧ요
    ᅳ + 어요 = ᅥ요


When speaking to your close friends or relatives use the intimate politeness level.
  • If the verb stem ends with 하, change it to 해
  • If the last vowel in the verb stem is a 아 or 어, add 아. If you end up with two vowels right next to each other, combine them into one vowel.
    ᅡ + 아 = ᅡ
    ᅩ + 아 = ᅪ
  • If the last vowel in the verb stem is a ᅮ, ᅵ, or ᅳ, add 어. If you end up with two vowels next to each other, combine them into one vowel.
    ᅮ + 어 = ᅯ
    ᅵ + 어 = ᅧ
    ᅳ + 어 = ᅥ


Table summary of Online Intermediate College Korean and other lessons.

N = Noun, V = Verb, AV = Action Verb

present (simple)V + (으)십니다 (honorific) / (ᄇ,습)니다 (formal) / (아,어,해)요 (standard)
Grandmother goes.할머니는 가십니다
Grandmother hears.할머니는 듣으십니다
Grandmother drinks.할머니는 드십니다
I sleep.잡니다
I wash.씻습니다
I sit.앉아요
I eat.먹어요
I cook요리해요
past (simple)V + (았,었,했)다
I saw.봤다
I laughed.웃었다
I studied.공부했다
future (definite)V + 겠다
I will come.오겠다
present (continuous)V + 고있다
I am walking.걷고있다
past (continuous)V + 고있었다
I was writing.쓰고있었다
as...being / since it is / because it isN + (이)라(서)
I am not busy these days because I'm on vacation.요즘은 방학이라(서) 한가해요
As Amy is my friend, she often comes to see me.에이미는 제 친구라(서) 자주 놀러 와요.
Because tomorrow is my friend's birthday, I have to buy a present.내일이 친구 생일이라서 선물을 사야 돼요.
intend to / plan to / going toAV + (으)려고 하다
I'm planning to study Korean this semester.이번 학기에는 한국말을 공부하려고 한다.
I plan to buy the airplane ticket tomorrow.내일 비행기 표를 사려고 해요.
I was going to read the newspaper, but it had too many difficult words.신문을 읽으려고 했는데, 너무 어려운 단어가 많았어요.
I think it will / I expect it willV + (ㄹ,을) 거예요 (standard) / (ㄹ,을) 겁니다 (formal) / (ㄹ,을) 거야 (intimate)
Since it's vacation (now), he won't be home.방학이라 아마 집에 없을 거예요.
As it was vacation, he must not have been home.방학이라 아마 집에 없었을 거예요.
Because it's a weekend, the roads will be crowded.주말이라서 길이 복잡할 거예요.
Because it was a weekend, the roads must have been crowded.주말이라서 길이 복잡했을 겁니다.
must / have to / shouldV + (아,어)야하다 / (아,어)야되다
First-year students must live in a dormitory.일 학년 학생은 모두 기숙사에 살아야 해요.
To be healthy, one must take a walk daily.건강하려면 하루에 한번씩 걸어야 해요.
To speak Korean well, one has to practice a lot.한국어를 잘 하려면, 연습을 많이 해야 돼요.
I had to eat bland food.짜지 않은 음식을 먹어야 했어요.
Let'sAV + 자고 하다 / 재요 (standard) / 잡니다 (formal)
(She) says, let's go to see a movie.영화 보러 가자고 한다.
can / able toV + (ᄅ,을)수있다
Our team can easily beat your team.우리 팀은 쉽게 너희 팀을 이길 수 있다.
I will do what I can.내가 할 수 있는 일은 무엇이든 하겠다.
(and) so, and then, so...that, because (of), on account ofV + (아,어)서
It is too little and so it can't be divided너무 적어서 나누기가 어렵다.
I'm sorry on account of being so late.이렇게 늦어서 미안합니다.
want toV + (아,어)고싶다
If you really want to find a way to use Korean, you can find a way to do so.정말 영어를 쓰고 싶다면 한국어를 사용할 기회는 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다.
because / since / as / forV + (으)니까
Since we don't have much time, let's go right away.시간이 없으니까 빨리 가자.
As you are leaving last, lock the door.네가 마지막으로 떠나니까 문을 잠그도록 해라.
shall I(we)...?V + (ᄅ,를)까다
Shall we go out shopping?쇼핑하러 나가실까요?
Shall I make you a cup of coffee?커피 한 잔 끓여 드릴까요?
try to doV + (아,어)보다
It is better to try to work with, rather than against, Mother Nature.자연에 거스르겨보다는 조화를 이루며 살아가려고 노력하는 것이 좋다.
ifV + 면
If it had not been for him, I could not have done it.만일 그가 없다면 난 그것을 못했을 것이다.
have been wanting toV + 고싶었다
I have been wanting to confess.자백하고싶었다.
do for someoneV + (는,은) 줍니다
I read the book for the baby.나는 아기에게 책을 읽어 줍니다.
My friends buy a present for me.친구는 나에게 선물을 사 줍니다.